Feeling Flat
By Lori Kirkman May 28, 2018 What do you do when you have the wind knocked out of you or when you feel deflated? To whom do you turn? How do you get back into the game when circumstances have …
By Lori Kirkman May 28, 2018 What do you do when you have the wind knocked out of you or when you feel deflated? To whom do you turn? How do you get back into the game when circumstances have …
Thankful for talented friends, like Tina Mullins, who are willing to share their gifts. What a great art lesson today. We were secretly learning on a snow day. Shhhh!
In cooperation with the West Side Neighborhood Association and University of Kentucky – Christian County Extension Office, Challenge House #3 hosted it’s first “Healthy Cooking on a Budget” class. The Extension Agent walked the participates through the preparation of a …
Challenge House is lucky to be able to partner with Youth Leadership Hopkinsville. Seeing Hopkinsville’s future leaders in action gives us hope for a brighter tomorrow. Thank you, team, for helping us to inform our neighbors of upcoming events at …
Youth Leadership Hopkinsville at Challenge House #3 Read more »
We had a fantastic time at our Challenge House 3 block party this weekend! A big thanks to our friends at Second Baptist Church for helping out and to the Hopkinsville Police Officers that stopped by to play ball with …
How do you turn your pre-read books into smiles? Donate them to Challenge House so that they can be re-read. This is just one of hundreds of ways you can partner with Challenge House. What is your passion? Consider engaging …
We have had a good winter here at CH3, and things are starting to pick up as the weather turns more spring-like. We have had great success with the after school program that we launched in December. It is called …
We are all chasing something, aren’t we? Maybe we are chasing financial or professional success, or the approval of someone we love, or, if you’re like me, you feel like you are chasing your own tail just trying to keep up with …
After spending the last 6 months building a handful of friendly, trusting relationships, we suddenly find ourselves having to start all over again! There are at least 5 empty houses where families with children used to live, some of which …
Apologies for such a long time between posts! Life has gotten busy with the arrival of spring! Not only does spring mean Easter, ballgames, and all the many end of school activities, it also makes me think of gardening. I …